Do you ever find that your partner and you keep getting in the same disagreements? While the issues may or may not change over time, the emotional dance tends to remain the same. Despite knowing our patterns are unhelpful, we find it difficult to change them. This can result in feelings of frustration, hopelessness, emotional exhaustion, and relationship dissonance.
I believe that as humans we have an innate need to be interconnected and when this connection is absent or maladaptive, we suffer internally. I help couples to recognize their negative interactional patterns and to slow down the conversation long enough for each partner to hear not just what is being said, but also what they are feeling underneath their words.
Through the use of Gottman, EFT, adult-attachment, and experiential interventions, couples learn how to create a safe place to be courageously vulnerable and to be emotionally connected so that healing and meaningful changes can start to take place in their lives. I work with couples in all stages of relationships, including dating, cohabitating, pre-marital, marriage, parenting, empty-nest, and retirement.
Presenting Issues
Premarital Counseling
Conflict resolution
Cultural differences
Extended Family