Do you feel as if no one quite “gets” you or what you’re experiencing right now? I know it can feel lonely in those moments. In individual therapy, you will be able to talk about things such as family of origin issues, depression, anxiety, and relationship issues freely and finally feel understood in a way that you didn’t think was possible. Instilling a client-centered philosophy, I encourage you to choose what topics you would like to explore and for us to work collaboratively to create treatment goals for our time together.
As we discuss what is troubling you, we will use a systemic approach to understand how family, relationships, culture, community, and society have impacted your life experiences. We will examine your core beliefs and values to discover how they inform your decision-making processes, and, throughout therapy, you will learn healthy coping skills to apply during life challenges.
Presenting Issues
Life Transitions (college, adulthood, career, empty-nest)
Relationship issues
Religious/Spiritual concerns
Education/school problems/adjustments
Eating difficulties
Significant other or parent’s substance abuse
Workplace issues
General loss of interest or motivation